Original Post
[Tex] My First Ever Head

This is the first head I've ever made, currently still working on it and I'm no artist. I just need help with making some details to the hair to make it more realistic if someone wants to give tips. Just so you know, I'm completely new at this and I used GIMP with a mouse, so if you're giving tips, the simpler the better.

Head Texture

As you can see, it's 128x128 because that's what I use for my character. I don't think I'm advanced at all to go higher than that. Plus I use my mouse and mostly free-hand everything. I'm just asking for some feedback and tips to make more detail and get better. Thank you all for your time! ^.^

DatSkip Moderated Message:
Hey, remember to use the [Tex] tag for texture threads the next time you create one, thanks
Last edited by DatSkip; Dec 1, 2015 at 03:21 PM.
Great job on your first head texture!

However, there are some areas you can improve.

1. Color. Make sure your colors complement each other and don't make them to dark or too bright. Yours was leaning toward the darker side which may not be as attractive.

2. Hair is too simplistic. to fix this simply add little details within the hair. Take the brush and outline some zigzags to give it a wavy texture. This will make it pop out more.

Otherwise good job on your first head!
<Squidooo> Everyone loves aquatic creatures right?
<[S]Orko> Of course
Thanks, I'll be sure to improve on those things. Any tips on using GIMP even with a mouse? It's a bit hard to control. xD
Originally Posted by Kable732 View Post
Thanks, I'll be sure to improve on those things. Any tips on using GIMP even with a mouse? It's a bit hard to control. xD

I use mouse mainly, what helps me before drawing, first make a circle, and keep making circles slower and slower until you can make decent circle with not much hassle, since it's muscle memory, or even with lines you can do the same methods, using mouses isn't really that hard, might take more practice since it isn't a natural motion. Gimp is a good starter program, make sure to use layers and experimenting never hurts. Nice first head as well, keep practising.
Last edited by Lucy; Dec 6, 2015 at 12:17 PM.
I don't exist
Nice work for your first attempt!

Anyways, I agree with Squidoo here. The color and hair is just the problem though. I suggest trying to add shadow and details on he hair.
You're gonna have a bad time...
the hair looks way too flat, looks like the face and the hair are on the same plane.
just make it look more.. real.