Original Post
How do I stand up again from this position?
This may seem silly, but I really have tried so many options and combinations. All I wanna do is to straighten my body and stand up like a human. Preferably with limbs intact.
Straightening knees seems like a logical step, but in my attempts of doing so, my feet shalt hoist off thy ground and launcheth my Tori unto space.

Not using any special mod.

To explain it really simple.

Relax knees and extend hips.

You'll have to control your weight and ankles a lot as well. But that's the main thing to do.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
It was that simple.
Thanks a lot!

I usually end up flying a bit, but not too much.

Another kind of related question:
Is there a way to straighten up from this position (very extreme example, but also curious about the less extreme degrees)?
I know the abs are supposed to control 'that axis', but it seems only to work in a very small scale. Have tried using the hands to gain momentum, but usually just throws me off in some other way.

try keep things symmetrical when standing up, atleast for now.
Extending abs, holding(maybe extening/contracting) ankles and extending hips should help.
From that possition you would have to launch yourself forward as if you are starting to run.
Just taking a single step and using the foot infront of you to push your body up.....

If you need help with balance YouTube how to run.. practice it and eventually you will learn how to balance in parkour and sparring mods
I think the problem is that if I extend the hips, it's always an exaggerated movement, and even doing it for one turn (10 frames), then cancelling it, launches me into the air.

So, from this position:

If I only extend my abs, I don't have the strength to simply straighten my back up again. However, if I then straighten my hips, it's too much and I am launched into the air.
@destred, I think running will be a step for a bit later, once I understand some more basics.
Originally Posted by Boothand View Post
So, from this position:


im pretty sure you can just extend hips hold knees and contract abs to stand from that position
just make sure you dont let your arms flail yourself off balance again

Originally Posted by Boothand View Post
and even doing it for one turn (10 frames)

just use shift+space jesus christ
Another way is to not get in that position.
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the main thing you need to learn like swepples said is you need to learn how to control movement and balance which its a skill no one can teach you because everyone has there own style of movement and fighting etc. and also remember you can always relax certain joints to do better movement (by that i mean like if you are running per-say and you dont want to look like a robot or if you are trying to stand up from a devastating blow and not look like a robot you can do that) and another tip that i found useful try not to extend your joints (such as knee's) when you are in a position like that unless you want to go into the air but as many people say PRACTICE will perfect you in many more ways than you think

and remember if you hold the Shift button (plz dont be on a mac lol) and press space you will go 1 frame at a time which comes in useful when trying to do certain things (you can only do this in singleplayer tho to do this im multiplayer you need to be an operator and change the turnframes to 1,2,3,4,5 etc . etc.)
Last edited by TyphoN; Dec 2, 2015 at 01:43 PM.
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


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splish splash Aeon is still trash
I had no idea shift + space was a thing! It wasn't listed anywhere I've seen. It really helps manage the right amount of energy. No more punching myself in the nose. Thanks