Default mod? You could just mess around with the distance settings to get different kind of replays.

Unless you're making a sp spar replay, then use xspar
It would depend on what you were making the replay for/ who you are showing it to.

But if you're showing it to a serious replay maker, it's most likely a no-no, but if you're doing it to dick around it's perfectly fine.
TK, no. I don't think the DM threshold is actually different (i don't actually no, can't be bothered to look), but dms are much easier to get in TK. Use the default mod, and mess with the settings. Rarely should you use any other mod unless you're doing parkour, self spars, or tricking.
Originally Posted by Jaxon View Post
TK, no. I don't think the DM threshold is actually different (i don't actually no, can't be bothered to look), but dms are much easier to get in TK. Use the default mod, and mess with the settings. Rarely should you use any other mod unless you're doing parkour, self spars, or tricking.

Mfw..... TK has the same DM threshold and is in no way different to the default modm than in engage distance and match frames.
If you don't know, or can be bothered to check your info, don't vomit some nonsense into threads like this.
Last edited by cowmeat; Dec 4, 2015 at 04:00 AM.
it depends

default mod for madman
gravity and engagedistance can be changed

xspar.tbm for spars/tricking
-30 gravity, variable ed

envmods for parkour
-30 gravity
The default mod is Classic.tbm, dunno why no one said that.

Use what ever mod you feel like, honestly that's what you should be doing. Conforming to traditions isn't always the best/only option.