Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Haruyuki View Post
I've customized this set,i did the torso (With the groin and the breast rpecs and lpecs),i edited the foots/triceps,i created the legs and i did every joints textures on it.


Customized by me

I did this set also(i bought the head):


Here's some examples (:

hm, not bad. You seem to be pretty good with the torsos and the legs. And a penchant for the robotics. Do you have any sets you've made that are of different style? I'm actually looking for some dude to make me a torso that matches my set, but there seems to be a lack of driven texturers nowadays

Also,does anyone ever go to the clan IRC?
Last edited by Spry; Dec 4, 2015 at 11:07 PM.