ISIS is funded my USA... ISIS will keep going on for as long as the US wants them to, which will either be the break out of WW3 (Russia and the west, since tensions are getting very high) or the total destruction of middle east .
The real threat is the west, which is just pure evil. (Not the individual brainwashed people but the "masters" who control the puppets, the puppets being David Cameron, Barrack Obama, etc).
America was behind 9/11 along with many other so called "terriost" attacks. No doubts the Paris attack was also some what planned, giving how conveniently it was timed and the suspicious circumstances surrounding it.
ISIS will just continue fighting until they are ultimately killed. They are already mostly defeated, but they're extremists who won't change. After that another group of extremists will crop up who have diluted the meaning of The Quran and think that this time they will succeed in taking down America. It's just going to be a never-ending cycle because conditions are so poor in those countries that the young will be influenced by current extremists who later go on to die "for Allah" and the young people will just go do the same thing. Personally, I think the only way to actually completely stop Middle-Eastern extremists is to go in, and separate children from adults in the country because that is literally the problem. Seems ridiculously cruel, and it is, but the entire reason it won't stop is that you have this stupid cycle of mis-interpretation.
Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean
And DON`T SEPERATE THE CHILDREN FROM THEIR ADULTS. This will only mess them up (imagine a childhood without adults), they will hate the goverment for that (you all know what happens if they all hate the goverment).As far as i know the terrorists come up to your door and either the boys come with them or will be killed (how does that deal sound, huh?).
When I say separate children from their parents, I mean to have them live in America with foster families, and also obviously not teenagers, more younger kids who won't really remember the difference. In either case, it's still bad, but necessary in a sense. We didn't initiate this fight.
To start with, you have no power whatsoever in separating a child from his family. It does not matter the conditions of life the kid will have, because to the law, that is illegal. Also, the US does not want those kind of children in their country, so it will never be an option.