Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Forum Tori
I was making a set for my Tori, but I am getting tired of having to switch from gimp, to the forums, load up the game, load my tori, then repeating. I'm having a small idea where on the texture applying part of the market, there can be a spinning image of your current Tori, that way, you could see how the tori looks with the new textures, without having to start up the game. That would be very helpful to the Texture making community in my opinion.

Please, review this and let me know what you think.
Lenshu Master/Buddhist
You could just export your texture unto your tori, just export your tga file into your customs folder with the same name as the thing you are texturing.
I don't exist
Finish the piece that you're working on. If it's a left leg texture, export the image (file, export) to the folder Computer/OS(C:)/games/toribash/custom/nameoffolder as l_leg.tga. Then, go into the game, and use /lp 0 nameoffolder and you will see the image on the tori. This is also helpful for viewing textures in higher resolution, if you do not have 512.
Last edited by Lazors; Jan 3, 2016 at 05:42 PM. Reason: I think one of these is all we need.
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