Original Post
[Art] Smudge Hype 2K16
"Smudge is Love...Smudge is Life" - Jesus Gonzolez

Before Smudge

After Smudge

People should really use the smudge tool more often. It's given a bad name due to simple misuse of the tool. Get good and take advantage of this tool.
Last edited by NiteNite; Jan 7, 2016 at 05:20 AM.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Okay dude. So, you deliberately draw badly then use smudge tool to make it look somewhat better? Um how about you just draw it nicely and experiment on whether you should use the smudge tool instead

Originally Posted by NiteNite View Post
Get good and take advantage of this tool.

Originally Posted by iAwesome View Post
Okay dude. So, you deliberately draw badly then use smudge tool to make it look somewhat better?

so to get good, you want us to get bad, and then smudge?...

this ain't practical and therefore I don't see me using it in practice.

Originally Posted by NiteNite
It's given a bad name due to simple misuse of the tool

In theory, you're misusing the tool yourself.
Smudging is laziness without a greater outcome. You only smudge if you want to achieve a smudgy texture. Take clouds for example.

Smudging to create a skin/hair texture leaves you with a very fake skin/hair texture. It also removes the fact that you drew it, which removes its authenticity.

basically, it's just really fake and there's no real practicality in it.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
I feel that every tool, when used properly, can be beneficial to making the art better. Just because the use of the tool tends to end with a disappointing outcome, doesn't mean it is made so. Otherwise, why add it to Gimp?

Instead of giving up and never using it again, people should take it as a challenge and make something good of it. If you can't do something as simple as that, well you need to work on your art skills...
