Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
applying coz wtf to do

You're getting there man, you're about as close as you can be without quite being there. Your replays lack that mmmph factor that defines them as your own instead of being generic. I recommend working on general creativity and just continuing to make replays, you'll get there soon. no

Originally Posted by duck View Post

You have a good and well established sense of style in your replays, but none of them really stand out to me. They're all pretty good but nothing too great. You have unique movement that I'm rather fond of but I think you need some more practice and improvement prior to you being accepted. It'll be a no for now.

Originally Posted by ampex View Post
3.Realism/tricking i dont know what you call that.

You have quite a ways to go before being accepted here. Your replays show promise but you're definitely going to need to spend more time practicing and improving prior to applying again. Come back in a few months and we'll see how you're doing. no

Originally Posted by Theee View Post
why not

Your replays are all pretty good but they seem to end rather abruptly and never really have any bang to them. Faded Regalia had an awesome start but it seemed to just randomly stop rather than having a proper ending. I think you could have done a lot more with it for sure. I know you have the ability and talent to get in here, you just need to give more effort into your replays I think. It'll be a no from me, but judging by how close you are someone else might object to this.

Originally Posted by Vayne View Post
I like video games.

That 30 gravity manip was fucking rad but the other two replays are rather generic and simple. If a singular replay could carry you through this app you'd definitely get in but alas it can't. Well, I know you're good enough to make amazing replays, it's just a matter of time until you make some more and you're able to get in without any doubt. It's a no for now but I doubt that'll remain for long.

Originally Posted by kouta360 View Post

You're on the right track here but your replays are the typical starting point for a beginning replay maker. Take some time and practice, refine and improve your replays. no