Lawlzer's Application
My username is Lawlzer, and I want to join your clan, Whisp3r. My age is 13, and I turn 14 in May. (Sorry, I'm young. But I'm mature. *hehehehhe* Yeah, mature). My belt is 2nd Dan Black Belt, and my favorite/best OFFICIAL mods are Mushu, Aikido/modifants, Judo, and Taekkyon. I'm the kind of player that's way too cocky, and loses because of it. (I'm working on it)
By the way, Siri said I should join.
Username: Lawlzer
Age: 13
Belt: 2nd Dan Blac Belt
Best Mod: Aikido, Judo, Mushu, and Taekkyon.
Kind Of Player: Too cocky.