Age: 16
Belt: Custom
Skills: Aikido, Twin Swords, Mushu, Boxshu, Lenshu, Wushu
Previous Clans: Wapow, King, Unleashed, Vibe
Reason to join clan: I know afew members and wanna hang out, make the clan bigger.
Met any members: Danish45, and RRDube
Accept the rules of the clan: yes
Anything else you want to add: I make A R T
Guys look at the apps closely, don't just accept people for their belts. these apps take minutes to make. Make your applicants think about what they have to write. Make free-form apps , make good decisions
We actually have met probably every member who made an app in game.
People like to have fun and have friends in a clan with them.
I don't see the problem with letting people chill out and have fun.
if I did not meet at least half these people in game I probably would have turned them down. also this is of course our app page and not yours any ways.
So its not like it should matter to you in the end.
hello, im nir5566 and, flame
my favorite mod is judo, but I'm pretty much good at anything with dq, abd, judo, ..., not mushu, I'm decent at tk, and I'm pretty good at greykido, and those are my mod specialties. what i have to offer to flame is that i could benefit in wars and i do my best to make people laugh I've been silently supporting the wars I've seen you guys play and you have some amazing players! i play very often and i also check the forums and pms, i play a lot so i do have some experience, even though I'm mostly an sp player, i transfer a lot of techniques to mp. my real life hobbies include hip hop dancing, parkour, and hanging out with friends. flame
hello, im nir5566
my favorite mod is judo, but I'm pretty much good at anything with dq, abd, judo, ..., not mushu, I'm decent at tk, and I'm pretty good at greykido, and those are my mod specialties. i play a lot so i do have some experience, even though I'm mostly an sp player, i transfer a lot of techniques to mp. my real life hobbies include hip hop dancing, parkour, and hanging out with friends. Alpha