Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Simplistic set 59k+ budget
Hey, I'd like a simplistic set with any kind of color scheme. My budget is at the moment 59k.

Here are my texture items:

512x512 Head Texture
Full 128x128 Joint Textures
Full 256x256 Body Textures
512x512 Chest Joint Texture
512x512 Left and Right Bicep Textures.

My preffered color schemes are as follows:


Blue/Dark Grey

Dark Grey/Lime Green

Red/Silver/Dark Grey

It doesn't have to be super detailed at all as I have a thing for simple sets like the one below, but the one below is a tad intricate, it just shows the base for something I'd like.


NOTE: It doesn't have to have fingered hands, as I know how hard those can be to map.
Last edited by Daedalus; Feb 2, 2016 at 03:05 AM.
First Wip, got the thighs done What do you think?


Dont worry about the quality the image was taken on a potato which means : All good Graphic settings are disabled like Shaders, HighPoly Body, Fluid Blood etc. I can provide you with an watermarked flat if you want to.

I wont give you a wip on every new bodyparty :P only if you want to ofc, i will also give you a good Image at the end with Shaders Highpoly Models and all that stuff.
now that Fluxorious started making it
i cant make it right ?
cuz i actually enjoy making these stuff and i think im good at it
but its ok if i cant do it now
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
Vaar, you certainly can make it if you want! The more the merrier! I'll choose the best one when it/they're done.

Flux, That looks awesome! Just make it look a tad bit less tribal.

Love the color scheme too.
Aw, just had the legs done aswell :X welp i will start from new then. -Less Tribal -No coming in from Joints, i will try it
I will pass :/ this is not what youre looking for i guess


Last edited by Fluxorious; Jan 31, 2016 at 08:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump