Hi, people existing in the place that is knwons currently as [Evil], I got dragged here suggested to apply here by Flame and after lurking a bit in your main chat, here I am!
So, I guess I'm here because you guys are decent, good, stuff, ingame and on forums, as well as the fact that you guys are incredibly laid back, it really appeals to me to find a clan that not only is forum active but doesn't mind an odd offensive joke, or pushing of someone's buttons, but still knows when to be serious. (Looking at you, Skizz.)
Now, I know nobody cares but I'm about 15 and "really really good ingame", aka, absolute trash-tier decent.
I'm also a forum guy who does lots of backseat moderating ingame, in the form of shouting at people for lifting or pointholding, which is always great.
Uhh, I also have a few infracs/bans from when I was an absolute idiot, rather than the ironic idiot I am now, such as being an asshole in a GMTourney, being an idiot selling a set and (Bomb) drama back when it first started off, but this was all in 2014/2015 and I've matured lengths since then.
Now, I've also had some good clan experience, or in the case of [i]nq, enhhhhhhhh clan experience, some good ones such as being the idiot leader and co-founder of (Godly), being in [Crooks] three times, [i]nq, recently New Era and also some smaller, godawful clans, which I won't go into detail about, but I've been active ingame and on forums in each and only recently found out that people actually use skype, so I've been chatting in the Ne skype group when I was a part of it.
I guess that's all you guys could really give a shit about, the rest would be filler and having it short with the info I wanted to put in here is probably better, in my opinion.
So here's some filler, as I'm not 100% on everyone here but I know Kradel and Flame, and I've seen Goat and b45 ingame a few times.
Okay, thank you.
op, I am evil.