Record Bounties!
You are now eligible to win prizes for breaking records dependent on how long they've remained unbroken! Here is the prize table for the records!
1 month = 50k + 5ST
3 months = 75K + 7ST
6 months = 100K + 10ST
1 year = 150K + 15ST
2 years = 220K + 20ST
3 years = 300K + 22ST
4 years = 400K + 25ST
5+ years = 500K + (100K * X number of years after the 5) + 30ST
New Record = 50k and your timer to hold it begins
Example: If you break a record that was previously broken 3 months ago you will be awarded 75k TC + 7 ST, however if you break a record that was broken less than a month ago you will not receive any prize.
- There is a grace period of 3 days after a record is broken where it can be contested by anyone, you must hold the record for at least 3 days for you to win the prize. Everytime a record is broken within those 3 days the contesting timer restarts. Whoever holds the record for a total of 3 days wins the prize and the prize timer starts again.
- Breaking your own record will not award you with any prize and it will not reset the grace period timer.
Last edited by pusga; Apr 6, 2019 at 11:44 PM.