My name is Mani
this guy is still a 2nd dan black belt for a whole 1 year
I had 5 different clans before i left it was Jade Lotus, Nether, Toribash, Xperia, X-7, and i'm not in a clan right now because I had friends in the clan that i had left and got kicked so i was should just go look for some random clans.
I picked this clan because it looked the clan toribash that I joined before so I was like i should apply for this one, the reason to invite is because i know you guys for a few months and we can get to know each other more if im invited
Replays: N/A atm cuz i can find u guys and fight you
You guys (1bio and The12Man) should know my fighting style
Username: Gawkinator
Black Belt+: I would be past a black belt if I didnt keep making different accounts
Previous clans / Why your not in that clan: Toribash(TB) Im not in that clan because that clan died along time ago on my other account
Why you do wanna join the clan / Why should we invite you to the clan: I wanna join because I just got back from a 2 year break from Toribash and im looking for a clan on my new account that im gonna keep. You should invite me because im pretty good (kinda rusty) and I am desperate for a clan.
Extra Info: My last 5 accounts were YololMamas(BrownBelt),KiriAcid(BrownBelt),AcidKiri (GreenBelt),MoneyMaka(BlueBelt),Furxy(BlueBelt).(I f you dont believe me search em all up and check their acheivements). My fingers are tired from writing this know.