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School has its moments

School sucks, we all know it and we often tell people who don't give a rats ass about it how much it actually sucks.

But it has it's moments.

So what is the fricken funniest thing you have ever seen at school.
Throwing a stink bomb Into the Girl's toilets then watching them die in there. Stalker style.
There's more but this Is the only thing I can think of. And the latest.
It makes me wonder..
One of the funniest things I have seen at school was when this really annoying guy that hangs out with us tried to climb through a window to get something and was half way through it when one of my friends dacked him down to his ankles and then the guy in the window got stuck.

He was hanging there with his pants down stuck in the window with people walking past. It was disgusting yet hilarious.
Originally Posted by Looshkin View Post
One of the funniest things I have seen at school was when this really annoying guy that hangs out with us tried to climb through a window to get something and was half way through it when one of my friends dacked him down to his ankles and then the guy in the window got stuck.

He was hanging there with his pants down stuck in the window with people walking past. It was disgusting yet hilarious.

I had to use Context Clues to understand this.
All the world's a stage.
One of the funniest momments in my school is this fat ass chick ran down the hall yelling my tummy is hungry at lunch. She did this for 10 min straight then sat down with her friends and ate Mc.Donalds
Last edited by RiseAgainst; Dec 19, 2008 at 08:53 AM.
Ah funniest moment.. A small kid fell from the second floor onto the pavement and lived. It's either second of third floor
not funniest momment, my friend kept pantsing me, so during gym
I pantsed him but accidentatly grabbed his boxers when I was pulling down.
All the world's a stage.
Originally Posted by yinyangsea View Post
not funniest momment, my friend kept pantsing me, so during gym
I pantsed him but accidentatly grabbed his boxers when I was pulling down.

i like ur school xD(sarcasm)
this is my new favorite thread

Once in fifth grade a person middle fingerd the teacher
i dunno what happend to him but i lold
Last edited by wootkill; Dec 21, 2008 at 06:12 AM.
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
Originally Posted by yinyangsea View Post
not funniest momment, my friend kept pantsing me, so during gym
I pantsed him but accidentatly grabbed his boxers when I was pulling down.

is that you?
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around