1.)Your Name or nickname: Brandon, (Ingame- Gymbash/Gym)
2.)Age: 19 years young
3.)skype or not: Bdupre2015
4.)best mods: Aikido, Abd, wushu, judo, funmods
5.)reason for joining: I'd like to be in a chill and active clan
6.)how long u will stay(loyalty): I'll stay as long as the clan stays active and chill!
7.)Stuff about you: Well I love gaming, I am in college... Like long walks on the beach... etc...
8.)do you like to war: War is life.
9.) stuff about you ingame or if ur active more forum than ingame
these are simple things please add more thank you: I'm pretty skilled. I'm recently back from a long break so... there's that. I'm a bit rusty in some areas. I am equally active on both the forum and ingame (10/10)
I am begging to join!