Original Post
[S]HQ Heads

Welcome to my thread

I have a few heads for sale.
All of these heads are 512x512, except for the heads made by Peru3 - which is 1024x512.
I cannot recolour any of them. Kirito is offering recolours, pm him. :)
TC only

Demonic Head

Demonic Head 2

Robotic Head - sold to Xastle

Robotic Head 2 - sold to demo

Robotic Head 3 - sold to rot3ex


Anime Man

Anime Man 2 - sold to sprynpry

Red Trail - sold to dodge54

Selling these high quality Hearthstone heads!
All of these heads are in 512x512 resolution, all bought from rot3ex.
Tomiiiwhaw is the artist of these heads.
I cannot recolour these heads.
Looking for around 30k for each but feel free to offer.

Head 1 - sold to Samuel

Head 2 - sold to Samuel

Head 3 - sold to Tyler

Head 4

Head 5

Head 6 - sold to Rhaemond

Head 7 - sold to Tyler

Watermarked flats

These prices are not set - offer if you'd like.

Last edited by LordBored; Jun 8, 2016 at 02:58 PM.