Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post

But wasn't your point:
Well again, it's sort of ignoring the point that Glicko-2 is on a conceptual level just adjustments to the Elo model that account for statistical uncertainty in ranking. They both work on the assumption that there is a normal distribution of your skill, and your chance of beating an opponent is based on that distribution and their distribution. So what you're arguing (at least, I can't see any other argument being made) is almost every single major competitive game in the world uses Elo without any tweaks to handle ranking uncertainty. But if we look at other games that apply similar systems to their ladder:

Oh, okay. This sounds like Glicko-2, but I guess you could argue it's some other totally different algorithm for processing uncertainty via probability distributions. It's kind of moot.

Glicko-2 is an actual algorithm you know?

Both CS and DOTA2 use ELO (and so did DotA for that matter) they just have some modifications... Like I said before there are tons of ways to factor in uncertainty.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
[The game that spawned both should probably be enough on its own, but sure, 'most chess;' additionally, the xbl ranking system, Guild Wars 2, at least something resembling it from CSGO and Dota 2, and pretty convincing evidence that none of the above use JUST the original Elo model. Oh, and Rocket League uses some variation of it or TrueSkill as well, because why not. Links here: and here:

I don't see this going anywhere, so I'm out. It should surprise no one that models implemented in 1960 are no longer industry standard.

So if chess still used ELO that would be justification to only ever use ELO? Like I said before "Don't say stupid things just because they are convenient."

So now we add Rocket League to our list of competitive games... RL and GW2... Forgive me for not being impressed.