time average 5 tries
The reaction time average for a professional 100m runner is 153ms (A top level athlete), Anything below 100 is just a guess. Nothing to do with actual reactions.
The highest I personally know of is actually my CSGO teams AWPer, who has an insane 150-160ms average.
reaction time is trained, running has not much to do with clicking a mouse when the screen turns color.
Firstly, for sprinters reaction time is super important. The difference of lets say 50ms, is in the end meaningfull when it's a 100 meter race. 100ms is considered a false start beyond human capabilities.
So if you try to say to me with a straight face that you can do 40ms you should call Guiness book of records since 101ms is the fastest reaction time ever measured (at least from what I googled).
Sure you can guess and get a 40ms on the screen but that doesn't mean anything.
afaik there's no such thing as general 'reaction time', it's all related specifically to a set of stimuli and reaction. Reacting to a starter gun puff of smoke and then starting to run is definitely not the same as reacting to a green color and clicking a mouse. Maybe you can't start running a meaningful amount in 100ms but you can definitely click a button.
If you think 101 is the highest ever measured then maybe check the website in OP where the fastest is faster than that...
People pick mid doors every game, and that's less than 100ms... 40ms in ideal circumstances is good enough to pick mid doors ingame (which is something like 80ms iirc). If you play cs you should at least know that much.