Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
My pc copy files uber slow!
I'm on kubuntu 6.06, and to copy a 870.3 MB file, it took FUCKING 30 minutes.
It copies at about 512KB/S, it starts at like 30 MB/s THOUGH! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG!
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Re: My pc copy files uber slow!
By copy do you mean download? if so, you should try some kinda download manager, my d/l speed goes from like 7MB/s to 100KB/s so i use download managers for big files.


Re: My pc copy files uber slow!
If it's copying files that's slow, I would suggest getting more ram maybe? 4 gigs of ram should be sufficient. If it's download speeds as ishi suggested, then maybe get faster internet? Comcast is comcastic. =D
omfg I sell muzik:

<veb> I want to see me giving hampa a bj
<veb> :D
Re: My pc copy files uber slow!
Rofl, i have comcast too so do a few other people, Mario, Clbck and RbLck D:

Yeah, more ram is always good, i only have 512 and im running on bitchsta, thats why mine is so slow


Re: My pc copy files uber slow!
I'd get someone smart with computers, I had a slow computer, so I got my friend who is really smart with computers to come over. We figured it was something small, but it turned out to be some huge thing, and we found keyloggers...
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: My pc copy files uber slow!
Not on Kubuntu, there are no keyloggers for that. Hey, that's great! I was afraid Toribash wouldn't run on Linux...
Anyway, it's probably your RAM and disc cache that are the problem. Your RAM can only hold so much data at a time, and your hard drive is probably pretty slow.
OFF-TOPIC: Hey, would you happen to know whether -sudo -aptget would work to get MadWifi drivers?
Re: My pc copy files uber slow!
sudo apt-get install madwifi-tools

Kubuntu has wireless drivers built in, that's why i use it, windows couldn't handle it. I'm on 256 MB ram. I have no money or time to invest in more ram. Same thing for downloads. BTW, I'm using comcast dsl.
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Re: My pc copy files uber slow!
That.....Wait...That is slow?!!!! I can download a 50 Mb copy in 30 minutes...Live with it.