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Trampoline Tricks/Ground Flips/Sports (Landed Double Front Flip)
Hi guys i just made a youtube channel for My Trampoline Tricks, i recently landed a double front flip
(yes two spins in the air)and other things like the 1080 corkskrew, Flip combo's and im learning
flips on the ground also
Its really amazing and it deserves your support, i upload consistently and it shows my progress as i get better.
Also if you subscribe to me, and you also have a youtube channel, i will subscribe back, just post here that you subscribed

Are you guys good at flips or parkour? if so, whats the craziest shit you have ever landed?
and if not, whats the craziest fail that you have had?

I have belly flopped the ground trying to backflip. it hella hurt, and i actually got it ON VIDEO
that video is also on the channel
Last edited by Tacticaled; Jun 5, 2016 at 06:52 AM.
Gm's/Mods/Admins Are the Nerd Police
I'm a gymnast, next to that I enjoy doing some trampoline stuff. For your backflip on the ground, I'd remove that little step you do backwards before jumping, it only gives you some backwards speed, while you clearly don't jump high enough, focus on that.
And uh, landing a double front flip is pretty sick, best I can do with double front is landing on my back, landed on my neck once so I'm not a fan of it.
Your forward corkscrew looks pretty cool too, I can only do it backwards, no idea why.

Also, I'm not an lmod in here, but I'm not sure whether this is the correct place and stuff, doesn't off-topic need discussable stuff.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by HolyShrimp View Post
that backflip fail sure did look hella painful bro....i hope your knees and tummy feel okay

im ok, my knee was bruised and i might have broke/sprained my finger.
that video was from about 3 months ago and my finger is still stiff

Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
I'm a gymnast, next to that I enjoy doing some trampoline stuff. For your backflip on the ground, I'd remove that little step you do backwards before jumping, it only gives you some backwards speed, while you clearly don't jump high enough, focus on that.
And uh, landing a double front flip is pretty sick, best I can do with double front is landing on my back, landed on my neck once so I'm not a fan of it.
Your forward corkscrew looks pretty cool too, I can only do it backwards, no idea why.

Also, I'm not an lmod in here, but I'm not sure whether this is the correct place and stuff, doesn't off-topic need discussable stuff.

Thanks for the advice on the small step. it really helps for the backwards rotation but it does take away height for sure.

and we are discussing flips, parkour and anything crazy you have landed/got hurt doing
Last edited by Tacticaled; Jun 5, 2016 at 11:31 PM.
Gm's/Mods/Admins Are the Nerd Police
Don't get too risky, I tried to parkour but after I broke my ankle I stopped.
No need to subscribe back though, you made such effort you need to be rewarded for.
Proud member of Thief
Went ahead and tried a few things out since last posted in here. Forward cork is finally working on my trampoline at home, I was trying to twist in the wrong direction all the time for some reason.
Next to that, got backwards cork on an airtrack and I finally landed my sideflip on the ground.
Good week.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

guys, im sorry but the corkscrews that you all are doing are called fulls. a corkscrew is off of one foot, and a full is off of two feet.
ive been practicing double backflips at my parkour gym and im so damn close, ive fallen flat on my head multiple times, and i also did a triple front flip into the gyms foam pit once.
im pretty close to backs on ground, im practicing them off my bed and onto my beanbag next to my bed, its how i get out of bed in the morning.
Originally Posted by BquadZ7550 View Post
guys, im sorry but the corkscrews that you all are doing are called fulls. a corkscrew is off of one foot, and a full is off of two feet.
ive been practicing double backflips at my parkour gym and im so damn close, ive fallen flat on my head multiple times, and i also did a triple front flip into the gyms foam pit once.
im pretty close to backs on ground, im practicing them off my bed and onto my beanbag next to my bed, its how i get out of bed in the morning.

Freerunning/parkour people tend to give things different names yes. In parkour, a cork is off 1 foot, in gymnastics a cork is just the thing he did in his videos.

Foam pits are cool, I got to some other gym once or twice a year special for them, amazing to do double and triple flips.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

I went to a trampoline park yesterday and tried my first double backflip into a foampit, it was pretty crazy but i was acutally surprizingly close to landing it.
Gm's/Mods/Admins Are the Nerd Police