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'Hardness' parameter for objects
Could also be called "yield". A parameter that effects how much damage an object does upon impact with uke/tori. Perhaps I want to make a steel mace that does more damage than regular punches/kicks. Or maybe I want to make a balloon that doesn't hurt/score points when it hits the player. There'd be many uses for this sort of parameter.
I fully support this idea, I believe it'll add a whole new dimension to modding and the modding community.
Cool suggestion. We're tinkering with modmaker in this patch so we're looking into these sort of things. Can't say we'll definitely get it in on upcoming version(s) but it's definitely on our radar now.
collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Cool suggestion. We're tinkering with modmaker in this patch so we're looking into these sort of things. Can't say we'll definitely get it in on upcoming version(s) but it's definitely on our radar now.

Nice. Now that I know you're working on modmaker I'll probably make a thread compiling my most-wanted features.
Hmmm, it's down to if the ODE physics engine allows for stuff like that. As it stands damage is down to typical physics velocity & mass based stuff because that's how ODE works.

Probably best if you go dig though their docs and see if there's a way of doing it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you