Original Post
[vid] test2
This took FOREVER. not because of the sheer editing or keyframing. I used to have a corrupted install of ElementaryOS to edit on, and now I have Lubuntu .
So yeah I hope you enjoy my meager editing.

Software Used: Openshot (Editing)
SimpleScreenRecorder (Recording)
Camera is way to far
It obviously didn't take a lot of time to keyframes seeing ass you didn't keyframe any of it
That effect sucked in general and the randomly flashing it just looked weird

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
First off, you're a god, all hail Divine

Second off, thanks for the criticism.

Third off, that's why i said not because of the keyframing. The reason it took so long is because of the crappy editor and i had to reimage my laptop.

All in all merci tres bien x)