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When is it time to help a suffering animal?
I'm making a thread like this because this morning I woke up to my puppy of only about two months was whining outside my bedroom window. I went outside to check on my little guy and something had attacked him, his jaw is broken and it looks like hes got a blood clot on the side of his face.

I think I should put him down but I'm not sure if i should, or if I could even bring myself to do it.

Any advice u can give is appreciated.
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
Dude that sounds like what happend to my dog you have to bring him to the vet and put him down it hurts to bad for him.
First of all, I don't see why you're asking members of Toribash on what to do, but alright.

If your dog is still suffering from this blood clot and broken jaw, you need to take him to the vet. He is seriously injured, but he can pull through as long as he has the care of a vetranarian. Don't put it down yourself, that's how you cause traumatic memories for yourself that will bother you for a long time.

TL ; DR see what the vet says. take him immediately, do not wait. he is suffering right now.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I'm sorry, but why is this a question? Is it not clear that if your dog has a broken jaw, is whining, and is probably CLEARLY in pain, why are you asking what to do? If you found your mother with a broken jaw in the floor and whining would your first response be go to -> discussion "when is it time to help a suffering human"?

I dont feel anyone without the permissions of the law is to take the life of any living animal. Best thing you can do when this type of stuff happends is to get a vet on the phone, A broken jaw might not threaten his/her life, you could have put him/her down yourself while hurting him/her at the same time when his/her life could have been saved. thats my opinion.
Get the vet's opinion on the matter, the vet may be able to fix it, otherwise you can ask them to have it put down. It's about $50 - $150 dollars depending on your income, not that you should be that concerned about the price

Fractured Jaw's are medically repairable though so your puppy might yet still make it. Best of luck
I have had a cat with a broken jaw, she was in a bad condition so we took it to the vet, they removed some teeth and fixed her up and now she's fine, dont put your pet down there is still hope
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.