Original Post
Internet problems
Idk if this is the right place to post this (pretty sure it is), but every 15-60mins my internet goes out for a good 30sec to a minute. Normally, browsing, this wouldn't be a problem, but whenever I game or do anything that requires a stable connection, it's a big problem. Had this problem for about 2 weeks now. I'm not a very tech-savvy person so I have no idea what is wrong. I would like someone to at least, if they cannot figure out what is wrong based on my description to at least put me on the right path to solve this. Thanks
mindless machine
Originally Posted by FruitCandy View Post
Should probably contact your internet provider. I doubt it's a Toribash problem.

Or probably the internet you have is too weak/old?
Considering this issue is preventing you from running Toribash properly, I am going to go ahead and move this to technical support where you should get the best help.

Last edited by WAPOW; Jul 21, 2016 at 02:47 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
There can be several problems to this issue.

I would start diagnosing the issue by determining wether its the internet connection itself or the computer.

Determine if the problem lies with your computer or with the network. Can other devices on your network connect to the internet? If the answer is yes, then the problem is likely rooted in your computer's settings or hardware.
If no other devices or computers can get online, then the problem is likely with your networking hardware or network configuration.

If there is no signs of issues with other devices, there is most likely a computer based issue.

A few ways to fix this could be:

Flushing your DNS
Checking that your internet card's drivers is up to date.
Checking if your motherboard's drivers is up to date.

There is several other ways of troubleshooting your issue.
You can simply google this by yourself.

If it's the internet connection itself!

Reset your network hardware. If your internet connection was working fine and now it's not, the most likely
culprit is your network hardware (modem and router). Resetting these devices is a quick and easy fix that will solve most networking problems.
  • Unplug your modem and router's power cables.
  • Wait about thirty seconds.
  • Plug your modem back in and wait a minute for it to completely power on.
  • Plug your router back in and wait a minute for it to power on and connect.
  • Try loading a web page on your computer. If the problem persists, move on to the next step.

Connect your computer directly to the modem (if possible). Each piece of networking hardware you add to your home network increases the chances that something can go wrong.
The best way to test that your internet connection is working is to plug your computer directly into your modem via Ethernet cable, bypassing the router.
  • If your computer is able to connect to the internet while connected directly to the modem, then the issue is likely cause by your router.
  • If you cannot connect to the internet while connected directly to your modem, there is something wrong with the modem or with your internet service in general.You'll need to get in touch with your internet service provider's technical support line to fix modem-related issues.


I hope this little troubleshooting guide helped you out.
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