Hello my username is kungfur and im a 2nd dan black. (real production) Hello my name is Denny Southavongsa, and im 17. Im from thailand but my family moved to the united states of america. I have a dad, a mom, and a younger sister. My mom and dad are from loas but my dad moved to thailand when he was 16 and join the army for 16 years. I hope I can make Ve a better by recruiting and helping in wars. I hope i can join Ve and help it by making it the best clan in the leaderboards.
also my main mods are ABD, greykido, boxmushu, mushu, and wushu and my previous clans are SB, Galaxy, APOK, and SW (im not really a clan hopper but im trying to get into a clan that is best for me) Sorry but i dont have replays because i dont make replays, Sorry