According to my multiple loan problems, loaning is not supported and is at your own risk.
I got scammed 50k and 15k once xd
Agus and Foobi, two biggest losers of Toribash
Originally Posted by J0Y View Post
Aw shit that sucks. If that is true, I kinda want to see what that other guy said to the MS to convince them that it's just free money.

Anyway it reminds you to be careful next time when giving tc to some stranger on the internet. I see a lot of players are offering loans (from their signatures), do the Market Squads support loans nowadays? If people frequently give loans and also officially supported by the staff, I think a loan tracking system can be easily implemented in torishop, so such scam can be avoided.

But what's done is done, now is the time to calm yourself. :]
/me rubs kradel's back

you were a BoS target? xd
what the hell did you do?

*accepts back rub*
Yeah, sadly when I loaned I had no idea it was cjslick. Apparently he sent a message to the person dealing with my loan saying I had to send him proof that he ever said he'd pay me back, that person agreed. It's not like he was transfering his TC to an alt at the same time and sold it hours later while he was stalling M.S. on dealing with it -.- I had taken a lot of time to making my report with the evidence I did have and even him indirectly admitting he loaned me, as well as friend confirming the loan did happen, if it was an older M.S. they would have known who cj was and dealt with it quickly. Though I guess I can calm down after winning an item duel \o/ and no they don't support them but it'd be interesting to see a system in the torishop. A lot of loaners now only loan if the person loaning sends an item to avoid a scam. It's pretty sketchy if you're looking to loan but won't send something to ensure a scam doesn't happen.

Oh and I was a BoS because I terrorised the forum with hentai threads. I didn't link any actual hentai, just opened up multiple hentai threads on different topics.

Originally Posted by Scar View Post
According to my multiple loan problems, loaning is not supported and is at your own risk.
I got scammed 50k and 15k once xd

It is sucky:c
Last edited by Kradel; Aug 18, 2016 at 10:23 AM.