Original Post
Items For Sale!
I am selling:
Radioactive set - 12k
Amber Primary Gradient - 4k

Buy Radioactive set & Amber primary for 14k

Edit: Your QI must be 500 or above!
Last edited by ToriKoRn; Dec 30, 2008 at 11:34 AM.
i dont mind ppl buying my cheap stuff and reselling it (actually i encourage it!).
but not for double what its worth. so since you are /were a good customer iŽll offer:
7k for full radio... use this link and start playing. contact me and i ship you some $
i dont mind ppl buying my cheap stuff and reselling it (actually i encourage it!).
but not for double what its worth. so since you are /were a good customer iŽll offer:
7k for full radio...

I didn't pruchase all of if from you and i payed between 9 & 10k for it.

ill give you 7.5K for full radio

soz, i want at least 9k for the set.

I'll sell Radioactive set + Amber Primary for 12k