Christmas Lottery
What do you mean by win prize?

There's already something like that.
It's called /knockoutprize [amount] - Gives the specified amount of money to the winner of the knockout mode set in the room.

Tourneys aswell.
Who will give the money ? Will there be something like add decapprize but for the winprize ?
Last edited by ultimatumm; Nov 30, 2016 at 03:42 PM.
The only problem with this is I feel it won't be used, decap prizes are fun as it is cool to see someone decap someone else but just a regular win is boring
Like duel?
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

A decapprize is set to make getting a decap a goal to aim for in bet servers, not just winning for the money being bet. A winprize seems pointless. You place money down and one person every match is guaranteed to take the money. Why would you want that?
I think I might be retired.
Regular wins are amazing they make you look cool and also we have 10 tc lobbies for this there really isn't any need for this idea, but... I am in no position to call it dumb so Good Luck with the Suggestion.
I am going to beat N3WB one day dambit
I'm not convinced people will donate to a win prize pot just to see someone win. There's going to be a winner in (almost) every game, the reason decapprize works is because decaps are rare and a challenge to get on two competing players who aren't rigging.

A good suggestion though. Reminds me of the one that wants tc win prizes adjusted - this one is better but still needs work.
collect snots from the nose