Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Formal implemented suggestions list
The idea is to sticky a thread in the S&I board containing a list of every suggestion that has been implemented into the game. Would be nice to have for reference.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
this could go well with my "sticky elevated threads" suggestion:

a page to gather all those suggestions,devs posting updates when they are
done,switching statuses to implemented as they go.
All you gotta do is look at the bottom left of this boards index. In the display options section, there's a drop down tab that has 'prefix' on it. Click that and select 'Implemented'. It will then only show you threads that have the implemented tag.

Right now, 6 (lol) ideas have been implemented -

So this can be fairly easily found already, but I'd agree that having a stickied thread listing them would be good for reference and accountability.