Original Post
(Beta) Beta recruitment
Main -
Belt/Dan -
Why? -
Prior Clans -
(Freeform is an option, and if you'd like to get noticed a lot faster use
Last edited by Detoxified; Aug 22, 2017 at 07:00 AM.
I felt like the application form was somewhat too plain and simple, so I decided to go free form.

Hi! I'm TopFreg! I started Toribash back in 2011 with the name 'Pickaz' if I remember correctly. This has been my account since 2015. I have had alot of accounts before, mainly because I never could remember my last account's password and I never had the patience to do password recovery.

I have alot of experience in Toribash and I have seen Toribash at its golden days, which makes me a bit sad when I see Toribash going down like this.

Oh yeah! My belt is black(?). There is need to judge anyone through their belt, but we all do hate alts, therefore.. HATE ME!

Why? My question to you is why not? Without looking like a complete jackass, I'd say I'd be a good and loyal resource for this clan as I'd assume this clan is fairly new and the members here are fairly new to Toribash too.

I have been clanless for a long time now, I have had invitations to the new clans, without me even applying for them. I have joined few, but quit, mainly because they weren't mature enough.

I am 21 years old. I play Toribash, listen to underground rap, go to parties, enjoy the girls while I'm young. So basically I'm just enjoying my life in general!

Hit me up with that invitation if you feel like it! BANG.


Just cancel my application, I wanted to apply for a active clan, not dead clan.
Last edited by Jere; Feb 1, 2017 at 10:40 AM.
I'm not the creative type so I'll use the basic format,

Main - LordPudd
Belt/Dan - Black
Why? - I want to join this clan because I believe I can do well for this clan and try to stay active.
Prior Clans - I used to be in The Lucky Ones but for some reason I'm not in it anymore.
who reads these?
like... SERIOUSLY?
Recruitment Thread
green belt
i would like to join the club (beta) so i can help in future fights and tournments
my app
Main - brvimar
Belt / Dan - 3 rd dan black belt
Because? - I want to see you in the shade because I want help you in the forestay ja with en yes a face of your clan terre me and I'm going to the
Previous clans n had jata temte go a clan of my country more only accepted 10d dan
Main - kost9vape
Belt/Dan - green belt
Why? - I want to play in your clan
Prior Clans - I was not in the clans, but I want to get it into your!
Main - GoldLizard
Belt/Dan - Brown Belt
Why? - Ending Lives
Prior Clans -
(Freeform is an option)
Belt/Dan - Green Belt
Why? - Beta and a clan name that caught my eye
Prior Clans - Well I joined a clan named Ares, but they excluded me from the clan I do not know why
Main -
Belt/Dan -
Why? -
Prior Clans -
(Freeform is an option)

Just putting that there so I remember, here we go.

(1) Main : iiXBIT
(2) Belt : Brown (Rashiraba is yellow)
(3) Why : I would like to be in this clan because of the cool name, how its doing, and also because my friend is in it
(4) Prior Clans : I used to be in vanirgodz in my main but I cant play any more multiplayer on that account for some reason.

Theres no freeform since (Freeform is an option)
Last edited by Rashiraba; Mar 23, 2017 at 12:19 AM.