Secret Santa 2024
Continuing from what I was saying, I feel like the implementation of a server that only these top tier players can compete in (however any players can watch them, bet on them etc) So that new players can learn whilst the elites battle it out, with increased prizes for those that play in this top tier server, keeping a player base of top tier players constantly present in this particular server
Originally Posted by Sense View Post
Continuing from what I was saying, I feel like the implementation of a server that only these top tier players can compete in (however any players can watch them, bet on them etc) So that new players can learn whilst the elites battle it out, with increased prizes for those that play in this top tier server, keeping a player base of top tier players constantly present in this particular server

increased prizes for playing the game at the top level? are you mad?
you are going to ruin the fun of the marketeers this way,witch they are
a lot more important than the rest of the community,god forbid.