Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
im making a clan pic *read*
guys, post a Shaded screen shot of what pose you want to be posed like in the pic, and use a shader that is VERY different from your colors, so i can easily remove the background from your pic, if u dont have shaderz, ask someone who does, i dont, cuz TB is blocked from use on my computer, but i believe that blaj, and nuramon, and frat57 do. if u dont, just say so =P

so we are spose to take a screenshot of one of our poses?
and what kind of it should it be?
1.starting pose?
2.mid-air pose?
3.bloody(when attacking)?
4.cute pose(ewww)?
5.discusting pose?
6.hamping pose?
7.dead pose?
so witch one?
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
i dont cause shaders dont work atm
could someone make a screenshot for me in a really really gay pose with the mod girlsfight

edit: doggy style please
Last edited by blaj; Jan 4, 2009 at 07:25 PM.

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
well, just post a cool replay, i will ask nuramon to take the screenshots, since we know he has shaderz, and ill put them together in photoshapz, and yah, just make some cool replays and post the frame u want to be screenshotted.

ooook il try

i made a really cool one pm me your email and il send it to you k?

its invade colors cool style

This member was clan infracted for a triple post, Posts were merged
Last edited by fogle; Jan 5, 2009 at 08:09 PM.
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
nice tripple post >.<
fogle i am able to use shaders yes xD
but i need the damnit textures and items >_>
i think i will make a new one of the one in my avy =)
just hit

/download _____
/lp 0 _____
/opt uke 0

That will make ur person turn into one of us, just insert the name, /opt uke 0 gets rid of uke =)

here is the pose i wanted to Email you but i had to lower the resol so it matches the rules if you like it PM me your Email and i send you the good version K?
Attached Images
woor pic(low resol)1.bmp (8.8 KB, 9 views)
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)