Original Post
This Thing Im Messing With
I'm still working on this but I'd like to share it with you beautiful people!


Application Used - pixlr editor (Broke boy life)
Originally Posted by 264axel View Post
The eyes are 2 close dont ya think?

I think it's an art style choice, but it's such a early stage I don't find it easy to judge.
Originally Posted by 264axel View Post
The eyes are 2 close dont ya think?

honestly I agree very strongly with this


the mouth looks really weird.

Look at some of Dengue's tutorials on how to draw a mouth, they're really good and instructive


I do like the general concept though!
Keep on drawing!
Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm going to be working on eyes and mouth next time I start messing with this again.
Originally Posted by Original View Post
Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm going to be working on eyes and mouth next time I start messing with this again.

Sounds great my dude,

If you ever want to collaborate


but I'm bad at art rn

but ill try

btw one more thing:

get nostrils in there once you start up again