Selling Lots of stuff.
Ok, IM BACK for everyone who knew me before i gave my account away. So like around version 3.1. But i got my account back and i have lots of stuff that I want to get rid of that the person has. Offer on all of them. heres the list:
-Bronze torso
-Almost all Orc products -sold-
-Radioactive force and relax
-Sapphire force
-Sphinx torso
-Dragon Force
-Gaia relax
-Gladiator emote
-Noxious DQ
-Marine left leg Trail
Please buy, I really need to get my old colors back (Pharos force, Nox Relax) And feel free to trade the nox and pharos for the items. Thanks guys.
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jan 5, 2009 at 05:02 AM.