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How good is the Toribash community?
I'm aware there is a thread that is asking if the community is living, which I think it is very much still living, just maybe not as big as it used to be, it was never really very big anyways. It also hasn't dropped as much as people think it did. Anyways, do you think the community is a decent community? I think they're are nice people in the community, but it seems lime everyone is so rude or harsh, and I guess that's what you get with kids that are under the age of 16 for the most part. I am just looking to see what other people think on the topic other than myself. So tell me, what do you think?
The whole rude and harsh thing is for comedic purposes 99% of the time and I think most people don't actually mean it, not to say that there aren't general assholes in the community.
Most players are quite reasonable and won't actually be rude in hopes of offending someone. In fact, I find most of the members quite sincere and reasonable people when having serious conversations even with the biggest trolls of the community.

I guess it all comes down to where you hang out. If you spend too much time in wibbles you might start feeling like most of the community is mean bullies, but really it's very healthy community in many ways and its loyalty to this forum shows it.
I mean it's not like that, I fee like it's because it's on the internet people are more likely to be rude, because it is easier. Since it's not face to face, it's like they can say what they want. Regardless if it's meant to be harmless there are young kids that wouldn't understand that so. They just don't care though, which is fine, but there is a point when a line is crossed and people take it too far, just people on the internet care less when on the internet than when in person. That is if they do or don't cross that line.
I agree with Smag, I think that Toribash has one of the better communities that I've seen. You can't really base your opinion on wibbles and you can't expect people to like everyone from the get go.

Since I got active in the game again I've used the forum more and I've been active in discord, I've got to talk to a lot of really nice people (for example Smag) that I enjoy talking and playing with. People do favours for each other and help people when they have the ability to do it.
The more time you spend getting to know people the better this small community of people feels like, but I think the same applies in the other direction as well. If you do things that annoy or piss people off you can get a bad rep pretty quick .

Anyways, at least 90% of the people I run in to are really nice people and the ones that aren't can just be ignored. And don't write people off with "they are just kids" because from what I've seen there's quite a few people of the community that are 20+
For one I said most are kids, I for one am 18 and I know people older too. I'm also not basing this off wobbles, I'm basing this of the internet at this point. When you give someone a wall like the internet they will take advantage of that, and in person most people would act different to what they do on the internet. I try to be a nice person, but people tell me I'm too nice, just because I don't want to act a little rude to joke around, doesn't mean I'm too nice, it's just me. :P

Also, I do quite like the community, it's the only community I know that won't really bash on one person constantly, it also is a smaller community though, so that may have something to do with it. Since it's a smaller community we tend to band together easier and not have tons of groups of people messing with other groups.

I'm sure this has typos, because im on a phone, so, whatever. XD
Yes, people act differently on internet than they do in real life, it's not a new concept and the reason of that is quite obvious. I don't think it's worth the discussion

Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
Yes, people act differently on internet than they do in real life, it's not a new concept and the reason of that is quite obvious. I don't think it's worth the discussion

Some people come here to escape from the mundanity of everyday life and blow off steam by being someone they're not. If you truly think that the community would be better if people started behaving in a politically correct and boring manner like they do in real life, please off yourself.

Also why do you go around calling people "kids" when you yourself are a teenager who probably lives with his parents and doesn't pull his own weight in society?

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I pull my weight in society where I have I thank you very much, also I call people kids, that are kids, and I am not talking about being politically correct. I'm just saying some people push it too far and they shouldn't. Political correctness has to do with dissent to power, not how you speak. Life isn't mundane because you behave well, if you find life mundane it's because you want to be inappropriate then if you blame political correctness.

I could care less about political correctness, all I am saying is that people don't act as themselves. You shouldn't have more than one person you are, that's not being yourself, that's all I'm getting at. Just because people do it doesn't make it right.

All I'm trying to say is I agree that Toribash has one of the best communities for the internet, and that has to do with it's smallness. We band together better and all.
You open your mouth, they do second. If you wanna avoid confrontations then you should be quiet.
Other than that, the community is decent.
"No one will remember your name"
Yes I do agree to this statement, but I think that applies for anywhere. XD

Also, how do you feel about the community being so small? Would you agree that it attributes to the decent part of the community?