Originally Posted by
LIES. There were often at least 3 or 4 people on that server. No doubt in my mind.
sir replied here.
The ES and other staff have more of a hold on this than you, they change the mods to make public rooms as used as possible. The same is true for both the kickboxing and gtboxing servers.
And don't pull forum rules on me just because I said one colloquial bully word without really meaning anything, all while you can't be intellectually honest yourself. I'm here only to try to do something for the community. So go ahead and call the mods.
I am the local moderator for this board. I quoted the rule because you broke it, it should serve as a warning - break it again and get infracted. This isnt relevant to the discussion though so ifyou want to question me about the rules of this board PM me.
A staff group responsible for events, public servers and some ingame moderation