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How Toribash changed over the years
I'm only 2 years into this game so I have no right to answer this whatsoever.

Toribash was released back on 2006, and apparently, a lot has changed ever since. You, as a veteran, how do feel about the current state of the game? how far do you think Toribash went? what saddens/cheers you the most throughout the history of the game? What was your most cherished memory?
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Turn off all your graphics settings to lowest and move some joints thats how far we have come. I remember when the release of shaders/updated graphics was such a huge thing for the game back then that a lot of new players don't appreciate or even got to appreciate at the time. Also Cellshading used to be an actual graphics options not a item you had to purchase.

The community although grown has pretty much deteriorated over the years in terms of quality. Back in the day everyone knew everyone and playing weird new mods together was a fun thing everyone liked to do. Back then the majority of the player base including myself were at a much younger age myself being 12 back in 2007 when I joined the forums and feel as though the players we get today are not as half as mature as back then - but I think that comes with the times.

The release of object based mods for the first time was an amazing update to go from playing combat based mods to being able to fly down stairs and ramps and the introduction of the first obstacle courses were the glory days of Toribash when everything was new and shiny.

The game needs a total rehaul which is what Toribash Next is all about - it's dated and to be honest the learning curve to the game is so steep that not a lot of people stay. It's a very niche market of game. Hopefully many features will be implemented in next aside from a graphics update. Things such as objects with moveable joints and actual objects made not from just single objects stuck together will be possible so we will hopefully see a great expansion there which will make things fresh again.

The shop prices on things such as the purchase of TC and items need to be readjusted for sure. Back then since the market wasn't saturated with items and TC it was reasonable to pay shop prices - now it is not and we have the market place.

Other things that bug me are the use of alt accounts. Although not into the dueling scene much you'll see it time and time again in things such as betting servers where people play with alts - back in the day I am pretty sure it was a bannable offence to own more than one account. Also betting and duels were not a thing everyone played for fun.

I'll continue to play on and off for years to come like I always have and am looking forward to Next but my hopes are not high.

I think I've answered most of your questions if not all, hope it's of some interest to you if you can be bothered to read through it.
Last edited by T0astman; Jul 30, 2017 at 03:35 PM.
Why did they even remove having alts as a ban-able offense? Like sure, alts for banks are fine, but alts for smurfing is indeed BS.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Why did they even remove having alts as a ban-able offense? Like sure, alts for banks are fine, but alts for smurfing is indeed BS.

The only effective way to prove if someone is an alt is by checking their ip address and some people share the same computer so basically everyone young would be banned.
I'm a week late.
"Well ive been playing for about 5 years , the only change i saw is lower quality players in genral"

Its a lower quality of humans. On both sides. I wouldnt even call them Humans anymore. Grow some balls guys.
Originally Posted by reosuke View Post
"Well ive been playing for about 5 years , the only change i saw is lower quality players in genral"

Its a lower quality of humans. On both sides. I wouldnt even call them Humans anymore. Grow some balls guys.

No no no I'm actually pretty sure that its just that you need to give people some more time to get good.
And humans arn't getting worse we are just getting new ways to think this isn't new its been happening for a long ass time every generation always thinks the newer one is worse. Humans just don't think the same.
Last edited by Mioxi; Aug 12, 2017 at 07:54 AM.
Well ive been playing for about 5 years , the only change i saw is lower quality players in genral and a promotion in faster game time , the art of flow and all that has gone
If there is no enemy within,the
Enemy outside can do you no harm.
Mox has a point in that aspect.

On another note:

A couple years ago when I was in [Aeon] I noticed to Chirs that the TB power system was slightly corrupt and he remarked that it was nowhere near as bad as in around 2009 (which I could barely remember seeing I was 7 in 2009 when I joined TB). But I'd say that at this point it's quite possibly worse than it ever once and no one really seems intent on arguing about it.
Climbing like you've never seen before (parody of xlr84life's thread):
Originally Posted by MagnusSol View Post
Mox has a point in that aspect.

On another note:

A couple years ago when I was in [Aeon] I noticed to Chirs that the TB power system was slightly corrupt and he remarked that it was nowhere near as bad as in around 2009 (which I could barely remember seeing I was 7 in 2009 when I joined TB). But I'd say that at this point it's quite possibly worse than it ever once and no one really seems intent on arguing about it.

I just have Viet nam flashbacks to a Gm scamming me and threatening bans if I tried to do anything because; "Once I ban you no one is gunna look into it" Ended up getting sorted, but the audacity of it is memorable.

I don't know where the opinion of a declining skill base is coming from, sounds like a newbie idea that one. The players skill base has risen by a hell of a lot, as most would say the meta has settled in recent years. Maybe you mean the player bases ability to self learn and create has hit a wall? That's more how I see it, there is only so much new technique that can be created and used effectively, and with the finite logical countering that can be done in a turn based game like this, this will stay as it is until perhaps Toribash Next.

Those who were greats and are greats, were those who learnt first, those who taught themselves, this is the TB I learnt. Yes the ability to self learn is always present but the pool of actual moves and information is already out there. Hope this makes sense to you dudes that think players have got worse.

Tldr; The players haven't got worse the knowledge of the game has become more widely available and therefore predictable.

Edit: ty smol
Last edited by AussieCunt; Aug 13, 2017 at 03:04 PM. Reason: -snip-
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Originally Posted by MagnusSol View Post
A couple years ago when I was in [Aeon] I noticed to Chirs that the TB power system was slightly corrupt and he remarked that it was nowhere near as bad as in around 2009 (which I could barely remember seeing I was 7 in 2009 when I joined TB). But I'd say that at this point it's quite possibly worse than it ever once and no one really seems intent on arguing about it.

Would you say that corruption among staff is killing the game? In what way would you say that the staff was corrupt and where is corruption most notable in its effect on players?

In every system with a small number of staff where staff are picked by staff the feeling of corruption will be felt whether its there or not. The reason is, staff pick people they think are best for the job - how do you know who is best for the job? >By knowing what the person is like and what their personality is. The people whose personality you can judge best are the people you know best - and so the people you know best have more chance of getting the position because you can judge that persons suitability to the staff position.
Its the same reason that white belts are unlikely to get staff, noone knows what the person is like - least of all the people accepting or denying the application of the staff member
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.