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TTF Bank
Perhaps we can start a bank?

I'd like to get paid back SOMEHOW....

Anyway, i'll throw in 5% off every set i make and 10% off every head.

Perhaps others can do some money from tourneys or boosters.

What are your thoughts?
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Someone need to make an account for we to store the money in (But for that we will have to ask permission to an admin so we dont get banned by multi-accounting for no reason)
My Youshop!buy buy and buy! It has Demon items
You can't get banned for multi-accounting, you can only be banned if you misuse things like referral, or in game
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
I gotted banned for multi-accounting.
I used it to contact an admin when veb banned me for no apparent reason. They thought about unbanning me then they rebanned me for multiaccounting.
No i don't think it works like this Yourface, i got banned two times and both times i had questions about my ban so i used a second account to contact hanz0 and blam, the second account is just for questions for when i get infracted or banned and it doesnt have a single played game so there is no reason to ban it.
My Youshop!buy buy and buy! It has Demon items
well Locker460 is my second account and i wasn't banned and btw i was Locker100 but locker100 was hacked pass changed and my email was changed!
i wanted to join MostWanted then and i made this acc Locker460 and btw yourface was my clan mate
If you Love me , PM me.
yeah i might need a load soon.

and kruschev still owes me ... about... a lot of k.


I need to pay cinder back, so it would be nice if you paid up

But if i win the 500k req, then you can keep it.
I'm Nevil
I can give you gaia force jak, it's not much buts it all I got.Sell that...and make like 1k.Your 1k richer :3
All the world's a stage.