Smallbowl, I would argue there are only two genders but more sexes. Excluding intersex people as deformities is like excluding people with unusually small dicks from dick size statistics. Just because it's abnormal doesn't mean it's wrong.
I just feel gender isn't a parameter that needs to be filled in. It's the word given to a societal construct. In India or among certain Native American people I would accept 4 genders as they regard fem boys and masculine girls as their own genders. In societies without gender roles (if any exist) I would say there was no such thing as gender. If you don't fit into a gender you are not a maberiqué gender or astralgender, you just don't fit into two relatively arbitrary groups that an archaic role system has laid out for people.
I agree with Bodhisattva on most points actually.
Originally Posted by
Also it's pretty sad that lgbtq doesn't include straights, it's literally putting down a group of people, which they are apparently opposed of doing.
So you don't think LGBTQ should exist? Because that would make the whole movement redundant. It's still illegal to be queer in a lot of places in the world so I'd rather they keep campaigning to find an equality we definitely haven't reached yet TBH.
Last edited by InternetDad; Aug 22, 2017 at 09:36 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump