Don't know the longest name, probably login_to_this.....
Originally Posted by
When I saw the account I think its a account Fish made? If I am not wrong?
What is the purpose of it?
Was made by Fish as a meme, if you were to get the right password you could keep the 20k qi account and the 500k tc. If you guessed wrong, you would be banned for 1 day.
This is actually the only thing I ever got banned for in this game.
Originally Posted by
only other person i can think of with a 20 letter name is bustamcthunderstick
There's also IWOVEHACKINGLOLOLOL and WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. WWWWW.... is probably the longest name if you were to measure it in inches or cm, especially in the time when he was active, cause he was in a clan called (WWWWWWWWWWW) aswell.