mircbot 1.0
Hey guys, this is the first iteration of mircbot, a very simple bot that will allow you to join any Toribash server from mirc. To utilize it, you simply type:
/botset (username) (password)
The username and password being the info from your Toribash account. After setting up the bot, you then go:
/botjoin (servername)
The servername is just that, the name of the server you want to join.
For those that still don't understand, say I wanted to join judo1. I'd type:
/botset Charlie fakepassword
/botjoin judo1
And boom, it'd open a new window in mirc.
To install, go into Tools>Script Editor
Make sure you go to the Remote tab.
Then paste this:
alias botset {
%bot.name = $1
%bot.pass = $2
alias botjoin {
if (%bot.connected == 1) {
window -c %bot.window
sockwrite -n bt QUIT
sockclose bt
%bouting = 0
%bot.connected = 0
%bot.type = 0
%bot.s_name = $1
%bot.window = @ $+ $1
window -aek[1]l20 %bot.window
echo 1 %bot.window Resolving $1...
sockopen bt 22001
on *:sockopen:bt: {
if ($sockerr) {
%bot.connected = 0
window -c %bot.window
else {
if (%bot.type == 0) {
sockwrite -n bt join %bot.s_name
else {
%bot.mdpass = $md5(%bot.pass)
sockwrite -n bt mlogin %bot.name %bot.mdpass
unset %bot.mdpass
%bot.connected = 1
timer75 0 10 sockwrite -n bt PING
echo 1 %bot.window Connected to %bot.s_ip $+ : $+ %bot.s_port
sockwrite -n bt SPEC
on *:sockclose:bt: {
echo 1 %bot.window %bot.type
if (%bot.type == 1) {
timer75 off
window -c %bot.window
%bot.connected = 0
on *:sockread:bt: {
if ($sockerr) {
%bot.connected = 0
sockread %data
tokenize 32 %data
if ($1 == FORWARD) {
sockclose bt
tokenize 59 %data
tokenize 58 $2
%bot.s_ip = $1
%bot.s_port = $2
%bot.type = 1
echo 1 %bot.window Connecting to %bot.s_ip $+ : $+ %bot.s_port
sockopen bt %bot.s_ip %bot.s_port
if ($1 == DISCONNECT) {
%l = $len(%data) - 11
%data = $right(%data, %l)
tokenize 59 %data
%parsed = $2-
echo 2 %bot.window %parsed
unset %parsed
unset %l
if ($1 == BOUT) {
if (%bouting == 0) {
clear -l %bot.window
%bouting = 1
var %badge
if ($8 < 0) %badge = @
if ($8 == 1) %badge = +
if (($8 == 2) || ($8 == 3)) %badge = *
if (($8 > 3) && ($8 < 8)) %badge = #
if (($8 > 7) && ($8 < 16)) %badge = ~
if ($8 > 15) %badge = @
if ($9 != 0) aline -l 1 %bot.window %badge $+ $9
unset %badge
if ($1 == SPECS) {
%l = $len(%data) - 8
%data = $right(%data, %l)
%l = $numtok(%data, 9)
if (%l > 0) {
tokenize 9 %data | aline -l 1 %bot.window (S) $*
%bouting = 0
unset %l
if ($1 == SAY) {
%l = $len(%data) - 4
%data = $right(%data, %l)
tokenize 59 %data
%p_channel = $1
if (%p_channel = 0) echo 2 %bot.window $2-
else {
%parsed = $2-
tokenize 58 %parsed
%p_name = $1
%p_msg = $2-
%l = $len(%p_msg) - 1
%p_msg = $right(%p_msg,%l)
if (%p_name == BotFramew) echo 4 %bot.window < $+ %p_name $+ > %p_msg
else {
echo 3 %bot.window < $+ %p_name $+ > %p_msg
unset %p_msg
unset %l
unset %p_name
unset %p_channel
unset %parsed
unset %data
on 1:INPUT:%bot.window:{
%p = $left($1, 1)
if (%p == $) {
%l = $len($1-) - 1
%p = $right($1-,%l)
sockwrite -n bt %p
unset %l
else sockwrite -n bt SAY $1-
unset %p
on 1:CLOSE:%bot.window: {
if (%bot.connected == 1) {
sockclose bt
timer75 off
%bot.connected = 0