A movie based on Pennywise a demonic clown.
Instead of the older Pennywise, this movie focuses less on the adult versions of the 7 children.
Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
A movie based on Pennywise a demonic clown.
Instead of the older Pennywise, this movie focuses less on the adult versions of the 7 children.

uhm, it was part one of a seemingly two-part series..
like the books and the original mini series, it stars when they're kids and then
they come back together when they're adults (part II)
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
uhm, it was part one of a seemingly two-part series.
like the books and the original mini-series, it stars when they're kids and then
they come back together when they're adults (part II)

Yes but the older series it had focused a lot on them as adults this movie focused more on them when they were kids.
In the old series, a lot more happened when they were adults
I just watched
Baby Driver
I didn't see it in theatres but we got Blu-Ray.
It was ok but it was a little disappointing. ALthough the directing and choreography was great.
The music synced up amazingly.