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Experience is knowing what to do in battle. Skill is overpowering enemies.
ah... now we're getting somewhere.
So with this one move of grumpy's he was overpowering you. But, you couldn't use the experience you've already had to adjust to this move and actually side step or counter or what not?
Plus, I think your definition of skill isn't clear. I mean, wouldn't skill mean to use your experience to actually manipulate a situation where you're losing to to make you win? And if you're winning to use your experience to actually keep winning until the very end?
I mean, in order to gain experience you'd have to learn. And by learning you get the experience you need to get the skill. Or maybe just learning is all you need. Who says one needs openers to win? Why not just learn and obtain the skill/experience you need to manipulate any situation into a winning one. One could use random moves and still win.
But now another dilema arises. What do you make of luck? I mean, if you have the skill and experience you need how is it luck still makes us fail?