This renewal/revival is going to be awesome.
Can't wait to see the new faces we pick up along the way.
Also, if I am not mistaken new art is on the way soon, so can't wait for that either.
This clan will be beautiful.
Welcome to Style Myth, so glad to have you in the clan.
Hope you enjoy the time we spend together in the future ^-^
To (Style)!
Also, I have some replays for all of your beautiful faces ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rycardo Spar
Elite Spar
Keep in mind I am in this clan for my art, not my replays ;)
Anyways hope you can enjoy my replays at least a little.
Why thank you Elite ^-^
Also, welcome Crollex to the clan, glad to have such an amazing artist in the clan.
I hope you enjoy your stay in (style).
Just a little update on mahself, I am going to be inactive for most of the day on Christmas day, but if you need something you can try to reach me via discord.