The system in it's entirety needs to go. An officer can kill 3 people who were of no harm to himself or others in "self-defence" and never be given jailtime, at the least they are given what amounts to paid vacation. The investigations into these matters are corrupt; Most officers know the town's/cities lawyers, judges, and other investigating officers. There is already a HUGE racial tension between people of color and officers, and every day an officer gets away with things like this without SOME form of actual punishment makes the divide greater.
I personally don't associate myself with any police officers, I live in a town with a Black/Hispanic majority, However EVERY POLICE OFFICER IS WHITE, So in conditions like that there are just BOUND to be issues. There are many other offences that I've watched on video, seen or heard about that US police commit daily besides senseless murder but I am going to save that for later or if someone wants to know.