Original Post
Want has trade or tc for your QS stuff
Yep. My inventory is here.

Force colour.
User text colourbought
Emote colour
Grip colourbought

I prefer to trade.

Tell me your prices. Regarding the inventory most of the stuff except the laxes.
Last edited by OK9ZERA; Jan 17, 2009 at 01:56 PM.
Lol your custom status thingy is lultastic. Anyway, hows a...a trade for the excact same items but pharos?

@ Shadowlion: Yeah, I'm looking at your inventory now, shall make offers.
Ok Deal :33

Sending now :o)

Btw thx :3

EDIT: SEND, where are my items >:O
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jan 16, 2009 at 05:42 PM.
Sending, I was asleep, thank timezones and internet connections.

EDIT: Oops, I think I sent you the QS ghost on accident.

Dammit, the ghost you sent me is gone, and I don't know how to check if I've sent you crap.
Last edited by OK9ZERA; Jan 17, 2009 at 07:32 AM.
You sent me everything (Pharos timer,usr text and ghost, and accidentally the qs ghost :o)

I sent it back ^^ thanks for making business with you.

I hope you have it, if you dont have a item in your message box, just look in your inv, it should be there, i had some problems with the ghost :o