Original Post
Account loss
Once we moved to this new forum thing, I lost my account, (My password no longer worked) so I had to make a new one (Notice the dot at the end of my name). Anyone know why this is? I thought we weren't going to lose any data
happened to me as well. All you have to do is go through the reset my password thing. It says at the end that it sent you an E-mail. It sends you a link to get a new password after about 2 hours, click that and in another 4 hours you get a new password. I thought it wasn't working so i e-mailed hampa. It's just..........slow.
Perhaps when you made your account, you used another nickname and changed it to B-rad. Remember your old nickname and search the memberlist for it
Eh, forget it. I'll just use this account since my old e-mail stopped working and I'm using a new one currently
All the passwords have been reset. You have to go through the Forgotten Password? part to get a new one. If your old e-mail is gone, you can talk to an admin to change it to a new one.

Go on IRC, solves all your problems.