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Clan Achievements
Add more achievements. We have run out of very many possible ones that we can obtain for Xp.
New clans can come in and within a month pass other clans by gaining all the low achievements really fast gaining, them xp and for some reason ranks are judged per month i presume?

Meaning we need to basically quadruple there war count to keep up with a new clan that just gaining all the low level achievements.
seems kinda counter productive in the sense of wanting 1st place any more
Last edited by Mikes; Apr 3, 2018 at 06:36 PM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Totally agree with Mike, its not fair only because they just started their clan and earning so many achievements (That we already got long time ago) to pass us so easily.

Make more achievements so that the older clan can keep on getting newer and newer ones.
I agree with the main idea.
Older clans should not be handicapped by the fact that they already gained many achievements so they can't get more.

But there's a better way around this than to make new achievements.
Because even if there are new achievements, they will be gained too.
So there needs to be new achievements every month for the top clans in order to keep things fair.
But that's not very efficient because all the time and energy put into that can be put to better use.

Instead, the XP gained by achievements should STAY forever. It should not reset.
But the XP gained by wars/posts/etc can be reset every month to provoke more activity.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
I 100% agree with Mafia also it would be really cool if there were more way in achieving xp such as one of the clan members winning etourneys and other events
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Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
I agree with the main idea.
Older clans should not be handicapped by the fact that they already gained many achievements so they can't get more.

But there's a better way around this than to make new achievements.
Because even if there are new achievements, they will be gained too.
So there needs to be new achievements every month for the top clans in order to keep things fair.
But that's not very efficient because all the time and energy put into that can be put to better use.

Instead, the XP gained by achievements should STAY forever. It should not reset.
But the XP gained by wars/posts/etc can be reset every month to provoke more activity.

This makes sense yes and i agree completely. But also we should still implement new achievements.

Once we get all of them then what? we are back at a war race like before kind of defeating the purpose of the Achievements in the first place.

I don't know about you guys but i want to continue attaining more. At this point yes leaving Xp forever, rather than- making it only count as monthly, would help for sure. But at the same time how did we get to first? got most of those low level achievements then warred like crazy. 700 wars within a year i don't think another clan has done that in that short of a time frame

all in all if there are not more added, we will basically be back to where we were before the achievements with simply wars to compete with

Every month a new clan can come in and pass the first place clan simply by gaining the achievements. Maybe a solution could be Weekly achievements, like top warring clan of the week? Have the XP stay from that rather than resetting xp. or maybe post count could play an affect on a main thread board. (that might not work but just an idea)

Could also implement monthly achievements for either most active, most wars won.

OR they could add a plus minus to the system. most wars lost loses xp lmao. idk that's stretching it a bit.

Staff i will give credit you did do an amazing job with this its just got to add more lmao or change the way xp is run. as you know we can never be happy LOL
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 8, 2018 at 04:45 PM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
True, I like the achievements too.
I have a similar idea to your "weekly achievements"

Infinite levels of each achievement:
For example the two achievements Untouchable and No mercy
Could be achieved over and over again.
We have already got Untouchable for (Won ten clan wars in a row)
But we can get another 10 streak, and get Untouchable 2
and go on forever, adding the same amount of XP for each new level.

note: There will still be some achievements like (Reach level 10 etc)
I still think the XP of those should stay forever.
Achievemnts are forever, so why not the eXPerience?
Last edited by Mafi; Mar 8, 2018 at 06:05 PM.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
The infinite levels of achievement sound like a great idea. For the achievements that possible anyway.

The weekly achievements ... idk that sound unnecessary.
The idea to keep the achievement's XP and Infinite levels would be awesome if could be implemented.
er my post must have been deleted? (if for any reason sorry) either way, ill repeat, just trying to come up with ideas trest ^. But like i said before it doesnt matter because some how vengance warring every 3 days is better than us warring multiple times a day for xp.
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 17, 2018 at 08:06 AM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Also it would be cool if the clans got some type of prizes if they achieved the harder achievements such as getting lvl 100. This would make more people want their clan to get the harder achievements and also make it more competitive
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This is something I proposed back when Ace was rank 200-ish, it just went ignored. Not enough people care, and or don’t mind warring endlessly. It seems to be a problem predominantly for the “number 1 clan’s” but can also be said so of newer clans. A better achievement system needs to be implemented, but I doubt anything will be done until TBN. The current achievement and ranking system is just outdated and mundane.
Last edited by Hikou; Apr 2, 2018 at 02:20 PM.