Consider that this is probably a little bit different depending on what sort of weed you smoke.

Weed makes you retarded short term. If you smoke it too often it makes you permanently retarded. Even more so than alcohol. But to be honest everyone should be able to decide for themselves. So yeah legalize it. If you don´t believe me that weed makes you retarded short term you have never tried it. To see the long term effects you can just look at potheads.

@chutterchop why? Do you honestly want to ban everything that does small amounts of harm? Where does it end? Am I still allowed to eat at mcdonalds?
Last edited by torilose; Apr 5, 2018 at 02:36 PM.
Originally Posted by torilose View Post
@chutterchop why? Do you honestly want to ban everything that does small amounts of harm? Where does it end? Am I still allowed to eat at mcdonalds?

Super high me, while still a real documentary, is at least in name a parody of a documentary called "super size me" where a man ate McDonald's for 30 days.

While I've only seen it once and it has been a pretty long time, I remember clearly that his health declined severely as you might expect. They also ran a test in the same documentary where they placed McDonald's food in a jar next to a regular burger and fries for the whole 30 days. The McDonald's didn't change, the normal food was of course seriously rotten and moldy.

So in essence, while my fat self will still eat it, McDonald's is far worse for your health than any sort of weed consumption.

I believe that marijuana should be legal. It's far safer than basically any currently legal "drug", including alcohol, cigarettes, and especially prescription drugs. Possibly safer than Tylenol honestly, though I lack the knowledge to state that with any certainty.